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~*Knowing your Moon sign will help you understand your Emotions and your Inner Self*~

~*The Moon changes signs every 2 to 3 days*~

~*Hover over your Sun Sign, to learn more*~

~*The Sun sign represents the Ego or basic personality, that most people know you by*~

If you know your Moon sign and Ascendant, you can always look at those Signs, to give you deeper clues about your personality, and how you may react to situations that occur in your life.


Your Zodiac Signs

Let me save you time, by pulling up your Natal chart information and emailing it to you, along with my own recommendations for crystals, that work with your Astrological energies!

~*The Sun sign represents the Ego or basic personality, that most people know you by*~
~*Knowing your Moon sign will help you understand your Emotions and your Inner Self*~

~*The Moon changes signs every 2 to 3 days*~

If you know your Moon sign and Ascendant, you can always look at those Signs, to give you deeper clues about your personality, and how you may react to situations that occur in your life.

Looking further in your chart, you discover how the different signs and planets interact, to give you clues on how you communicate (Mercury), how you love (Venus), how you fight for things in your life (Mars), growth and expansion in your life (Jupiter), and what we need to master in this life (Saturn), and more!

Important: Having your EXACT Birth Time is key to understanding your chart.

Without that, we cannot complete your chart.

Zodiac Chart

Birth Chart Service 


Birthchart Service
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