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Journeying with Reiki

Reiki translates to Rei "Spiritual Wisdom" and Ki "Life Energy"
Reiki is...
An energy healing technique for relaxation and stress reduction...
A great bright light...
Energy flowing...
Universal Life Force Energy...
Complementary Healing Method...
Natural healing...
What does Reiki feel like?
Different for everyone...
What happens during a Reiki session?
During a Reiki session, the client will remain fully clothed and can either lay on a massage table, or sit in a chair, usually with eyes closed. There is no manipulation of the tissue, as in massage. Some people refer to Reiki as being acupuncture without the needles.
The Reiki Practitioner will place their hands directly on the client's body or slightly above it. After the client agrees to receive the Reiki, it will begin to flow. Sometimes they will immediately feel heat in the Practitioner's hands, sometimes cold, or nothing at all. Sometimes the client may see images (like a daydream), or hear messages. Other times they will be purely in a state of relaxation.
The Reiki Practitoner will hold the intent for healing to take place for their client's highest good. I also like to include an affirmation, positive thought, or mantra during the session. Something the client can repeat (if they wish), to bring them back to a meditative state, since sometimes our minds wander. The client can also choose to focus on healing a certain part of the body, an emotional issue, or focus on a goal for themselves. Reiki promotes our body's natural healing process, whether it be on a physical, emotional, or spiritual level.
Sessions will typically last 30 to 90 minutes long. Depending if it's a follow up session, or first time session. 

There are also Remote Reiki sessions. Instead of Hands-on healing, the Reiki energy flows across distance. This is likened to a focused or intentional prayer. Distance Reiki is highly effective. Some people prefer this type of session, rather than the hands on. 
"Reiki flows to where it needs to go"
Do I stop taking medicine or seeing my doctor, if I receive Reiki?
The answer is no. Reiki is a complementary healing method. That means it works alongside any medicine or medical treatment you may receive. Reiki Practitioners are not allowed to diagnose or prescribe treatment or medicine for their clients.
What is an Ocean Dreams Reiki session?
This is just like a regular Reiki session, except I add in my unique combination of calling on my Ocean Guides, tapping into the energy of Dolphins, Mermaids, and other Sea Creatures. I also imagine you being cleansed by a healing Ocean wave or sometimes Dolphins swimming around you. You may feel like you are drifting or floating at sea. You may see images of yourself in a tunnel of light or water. Feeling as if all your worries and woes are being washed away.
Since I am a Water sign: Scorpio Sun/Pisces Moon, I really resonate with the energy of the Ocean! I do work with all the elements though in my healing work, and will often tap into your own particular elemental energy and allow that to come forth to help during the session. 
So if you do not resonate with Water energy, no worries! I will work with whatever energy I am intuitively guided too! 
Infused with Ocean Reiki





  1. Reduces stress and anxiety
  2. May increase energy levels
  3. May help with insomnia
  4. Improves physical, emotional, and mental health
  5. Helps to relieve pain and aches
  6. Helps to remove toxins built up in your body
  7. Helps to relax you before and after surgery
  8. Works alongside your current medical routine
  9. Reiki benefits the whole family
  10. Open to all types of religious or spiritual view.

Top Ten Reasons for a Reiki Session

The Reiki Principles I have written for myself:
Just for today, I am Happy
Just for today, I am Loved and Loving
Just for today, I Forgive Myself and Others
Just for today, I am Grateful for all my Blessings and Lessons
Just for today, I allow Reiki to flow, for the Highest Good of All Beings
Underwater Creatures
Usui Reiki Lineage

Dawn Gold, Hawaii
who studied under

Jean Ferris, Texas
who studied under

Helen Haberly, Washington
who studied under

Hawayo Takata, Hawaii
who studied under

Chujiru Hayashi, Japan
who studied under

Mikao Usui, Japan
the Founder of Usui Reiki 


Dolphin at Sea
The Source of Reiki
is a Universal Life Force Energy, that is all-loving and all-knowing.
Reiki is said to have its own intelligence.
Therefore it will guide you in the right direction, always.
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