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Crystal Healing Sessions


These are Distant healing sessions tapping into the energy of a Crystal Grid,

I create for your specific intentions.

I also anoint this grid with corresponding essential oils, for an extra layer of energy.

The energy of Crystal Reiki and the Moon cycles, will be programmed to flow to you, for 28 days.

It will be refreshed on the New or Full Moon cycles that occur during the lunar month.


~Ocean Blessings~


Visit me on Facebook  to learn more.


Please let me know in "comments" in Paypal/Venmo, what you are purchasing.​


Overall Health

Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for Overall Health. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. If you would like the grid to be for a specific health issue that is encouraged too. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 





Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for Love/Self Love. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 





Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for Inspiration & Creativity. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 




Increasing Consciousness

Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for Increasing or raising Consciousness. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 




Year Long Healing

Crystal Healing Session

You will receive 12 months of Crystal Reiki Healing! Each month will focus on a different theme in your life. For your Birth month, I will create a custom grid to bring in renewed energies for your "new" year.

If you book this package, you will save on sessions too!

Combined all 12 months would normally be $396. I am offering this special package for $333. 





Healthy Weight

Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for achieving a Healthy Weight. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 





Releasing Trauma

Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for Releasing Trauma. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 




For Empaths

Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for helping Empaths. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 




Custom Crystal Healing Grid

Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will be customized to your intentions. You can choose an overall theme, or set several intentions that flow together. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 




Headache Relief

Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for Headache Relief. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 






Releasing Depression

Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for Releasing Depression. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 





Crystal Healing Session

This Crystal Grid session will focus on helping you for Career or Abundance. I will place a written affirmation under the grid, with your intentions. 


I will intuitively choose the Crystals, for your highest good. The energy of this grid will flow to you, for 28 days. 




Radiant Health Activation

Crystal Healing Session

This grid will focus on creating "Radiant Health" in your life!


Along with the Crystal Reiki that is sent for 28 days, I will also do a 20 minute, Arcturian Radiant Health Activation session for you, when I first create the grid. So you will be receiving double the energy for the Lunar month!



Coming soon! Sacred Ocean Activation course. Starting October 1st
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